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Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Westchase, FL

Straightforward Removals of Unneeded Teeth

The wisdom teeth erupt much later than your other adult teeth, and they are not essential for your mouth to function properly; as a matter of fact, they’re generally more likely to do harm than good! If you or someone in your family is around the ages of 17 to 25, there’s a good chance that the wisdom teeth could start to emerge soon. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ponnaganti in the near future, so you can have a potential dental problem identified and dealt with as early as possible with wisdom tooth extractions in Westchase, FL!

Why Choose Happy Smiles for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

When is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Really Necessary?

Woman in need of wisdom tooth extraction holding jaw in pain

It’s sometimes okay to keep your wisdom teeth as long as there’s enough room for them in your mouth and they don’t cause any problems. Extraction is necessary, though, if your wisdom teeth don’t fully break through the gums or else cause:

Wisdom Tooth Extraction After-Care

Woman receiving wisdom tooth extraction

Bleeding is common after an extraction. You can stop it by biting down on a gauze pad for thirty minutes. Use a bag of ice to reduce any swelling that occurs. The pain you experience will be at its worst for the first couple of days, but it should subside after that; let us know if it stays the same or grows worse as time passes. Be sure to rinse your mouth at least 5 to 6 times every day with warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt; it’s essential to keep your mouth clean while it’s still healing.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions Frequently Asked Questions

Dentist showing patient their X-ray

Now you know all about the benefits of removing your wisdom teeth and some aftercare tips for a smooth recovery. While this is a great place to start, it’s natural to have a few more questions on your mind before your surgery. That’s why we’ve responded to a few FAQs below! Of course, if you would prefer to speak directly with our dentist, Dr. Ponnaganti, or are ready to schedule your appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Does Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted Hurt?

Wisdom teeth extractions have gotten a bad reputation over the years. However, thanks to modern techniques and powerful numbing agents, the procedure itself is relatively pain-free! Plus, if you struggle with dental-related anxiety or have a hard time sitting in the treatment chair for extended periods of time, sedation is also available to provide an additional layer of comfort during your appointment. Once you’ve returned home, it’s natural to experience some soreness. Fortunately, this can be effectively handled with a cold compress and OTC or prescribed pain medication.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Whether you are getting one wisdom tooth removed or all of them, it is important to prioritize rest the first 24 hours after your procedure. After that, you will be able to resume your normal activities, with the exception of strenuous exercise and heavy lifting. This will significantly reduce your likelihood of getting a dry socket, which can be painful and result in a number of complications. By the end of the first week, the swelling should subside considerably and your wounds should be largely healed.

What Should I Eat After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

During your recovery, it is of the utmost importance that you avoid hot, chewy, spicy foods. Instead, opt for yogurt, pudding, applesauce, and oatmeal, which are easy to chew. During this time, you should also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, avoiding alcohol, carbonated beverages, and caffeinated drinks. Under no circumstance should you drink through a straw, which can dislodge your clots. Wait for the thumbs up from your doctor before incorporating your regular diet again, but you should be able to do so around the one-week mark.

When Should I Begin Brushing My Teeth After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

A seamless recovery relies on an infection-free environment, which is why your oral hygiene routine both before and after your procedure is paramount. While you likely won’t be able to brush your teeth for the first 24 hours, you should begin doing so the following day. Rinsing with a mixture of salt and water every couple of hours and after your meals can help kill harmful bacteria and promote healing. Just make sure not to spit too forcefully, which can result in a dry socket. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so make sure to follow your aftercare instructions to a tee and reach out if you have any questions along the way!

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